What is KanjiENA Calligraphy Art?
Japanese Kanji + English + Name Design + Calligraphy + Art
Use the English spelling of the name to create your own personal KanjiENA that describes your personality or character.
- The only special kanji art of you in the world-
I use the English spelling of the name to create your own personal KanjiENA that describes your personality or character.
The only special kanji art of you in the world! It is good for gift and Tattoo design!To get your own personal KanjiENA, I need the persons name and at least 3 personality traits
(happy, kind, sociable, funny, friendly, sincere, etc).
Because The letters and number of letters in a name vary from person to person.Therefore, a Kanji character that represents one personality trait may not necessarily apply to a person's name.
If it does not, I need to try a different Kanji character that represents a different personality.
This KanjiENA is for Terrance. I choose this Kanji 【能】for him.
【能】means capable, skills and ability. Because he has various abilities and technology.
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